Responsibility is the other side of the coin of freedom. In the field of journalism this means that freedom of speech has natural limits that are marked by the fundamentals and purpose of the information, that is, by the truth and by the contribution to the good of citizens. So, the responsible exercise of journalism should respond to the need of citizens for truthful information and that it be useful for their material and cultural progress, and should not ever damage the values of human dignity, peace and social harmony.
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The basis of a responsible information is the accuracy of the information therein contained, whether dates, appointments, names, statements... As well as the accuracy of the language used in its communication, which must be clear and unequivocal. That is why there is a duty of verification. This means checking if the content is true and if the language is appropriate for understanding the message delivered.
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Not only does the information need to be accurate, but it also needs to be complete, because the biggest lie is a half truth and the greatest disinformation is bias and superficiality. That is why it has to be reported what the relations between the facts are; of its meaning or significance, of its causes and its consequences. That is, of the why and for what, not just of the what and the how. Hence the requirement in quality journalism for accurate, complete and properly contextualized contents without prior positioning or being tendentious.
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Good journalism is carried out from the independence of discernment of its professionals and business leaders. That means that information is not propaganda of any ideology or particular party, nor serves specific economic or political interests nor any lobbies. The ultimate goal of correct information is to adequately communicate a truth or ideas and reflections on that truth which citizens need to know.