Today is July 27th, 2024
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First of all, we appreciate your time and we encourage you to read these Terms of Use carefully so you can engage with us as a new user of the platform Newspaper Matters.
We remind you that, by becoming a User (either as a Reader, Newspaper or referred to Third Party) of the platform Newspaper Matters (, by using our registration procedure you recognize that you have read and understood the Terms of Use and agree to comply with all its provisions.

Prior to the formalization of this agreement:
If you're using Newspaper Matters on behalf of a company or other legal entity, that entity may hold a separate contract with us, but by virtue of this agreement you are linked with certain responsibilities in your personal capacity.
If you do not want to become a user of Newspaper Matters and thereby take on the responsibilities arising from this contract:

• Do not register as User on the home page in the area that says: "Join now the Newspaper Matters community!"

Your obligations when using Newspaper Matters
About the material you upload:

You do not have any obligation to upload your own material (content) at Newspaper Matters, but if you do (including analysis of newspaper articles and replies as newspaper or third party, text files, audio files, images and any type of user-generated videos either  by reader or third party) that gives Newspaper Matters, by signing this agreement the non-exclusively,  irrevocable, perpetual, global, unlimited, subject to assignment or sublicense, fully paid and free of right, the right to copy, improve, distribute, publish, remove, retain, block, add, use by any current known means or  those that will be discovered in the future, without requiring any consent, notice or compensation of any kind.

As a newspaper you do not have any obligation to upload your own material (content) at Newspaper Matters, but if you do you remain the sole holder of the intellectual property and copyright of the content uploaded. Accepting these Terms of Use you  solely authorize Newspaper Matters to publish this material for readers’ analyses, comments or critical judgment on your articles for the sake of public interest and based on good faith using any current known means or those that will be discovered in the future, without requiring any consent, notice or compensation of any kind.

As a newspaper you can choose or not to show a thumbnail of articles analyzed by users and/or your logo using your profile’s preferences.

When you upload information and multimedia material as a user, either as Reader, Newspaper or Third Party, you declare and warrant that such information is correct and that it does not violate any contractual restrictions or other rights of third parties.
Newspaper Matters is a platform that requires the identification of its users for the responsible exercise of free speech. If you do not want to identify yourself correctly to use the platform, do not perform the user registration process.

On the supervision of Newspaper Matters content:
With registration you agree that a team of qualified professionals at Newspaper Matters oversees all content of users (Reader, Newspaper and Third Party) before it is published definitely.
The reason for the existence of this phase of supervision by professionals is to avoid any problems with the distribution of content subjected to rules regarding intellectual property, of unauthorized content or content that violates third party rights.
The supervision phase of content by Newspaper Matters professionals is not with intention of censorship in relation to the views expressed by users of the platform in their analysis.
Newspaper Matters will not modify any content; its specialists will only take appropriate decisions in terms of relevance and legality to proceed with its publication in the shortest possible time.
You, as a User (Reader, Newspaper or Third Party), have the sole responsibility for the analysis, replies and evidence which you publish on the platform Newspaper Matters when you enter into this contract. Thus, Newspaper Matters does not assume any responsibility for the content finally released by the user on the platform.

Personal information you give us:
For more information about our policy on personal information supplied to Newspaper Matters you should read our Privacy Policy. This policy may be updated periodically at our sole discretion.
If you believe that someone is using your information improperly or appropriating it, you must immediately notify Newspaper Matters about this situation at the e-mail address: abuse[at]

The necessity of a secure password:
It is your own obligation and responsibility to have a secure password. You must not use accounts of others and you must not allow others to use your account. You are responsible for your account, therefore we recommend you not to share it and if you do so, it is at your own risk.

As user you undertake to notify Newspaper Matters of any breach of the safety standards or of any unauthorized use of your account or of the platform that you know of.
We remind you that you are not authorized to sell, market or otherwise transfer your Newspaper Matters user account or the information contained there to third parties.
Nor is it allowed to charge for access to Newspaper Matters or for information contained on the platform.

By accepting this agreement, you shall not cause newspaper Matters damages or, where appropriate, pay us compensation for damages, losses and costs (including, among others, the fees for legal services and costs) that we may incur in regarding investigations or claims of third parties caused by:

  • The breach of the provisions of this agreement, including, among others, uploading content that violates third party rights or applicable legislation in terms of intellectual or industrial property, and/or rights to the honour, privacy or the image, or any other right.
  • Any own content that fails to comply with the provisions of this agreement and that you provide to Newspaper Matters.
  • Any illegal, criminal or unauthorized activity according to this contract in which you participate using the platform Newspaper Matters.

About the correct use of content and services at Newspaper Matters:
As a User (Reader, Newspaper or referred to Third Party) you commit yourself to making appropriate use of the services that Newspaper Matters offers on its platform and not use them to:

  • Distribute content or propaganda of racist, xenophobic or of  illegal pornographic  nature, that justifies terrorism or that violates human rights, youth or child rights. 
  • Engage in activities that are unlawful, illegal or contrary to good faith, public order and/or public safety. 
  • Try to access and, in your case, use other users’ email accounts and modify or manipulate them.
  • Damage the physical and logical systems of Newspaper Matters, its suppliers or third parties.
  • Introduce or distribute computer viruses or other logical systems that can damage the platform as aforementioned.

The above enumeration is not exhaustive, merely explanatory.
Newspaper Matters reserves the right to remove, at its sole discretion, all those contents that violate the above points or, in its professional opinion, those that are not considered suitable for publication on the platform.

Content expressly prohibited on Newspaper Matters:
Under the contract Newspaper Matters may access, preserve and disclose your registration and any other provided information (content) if required by law or if in good faith we believe that such access, preservation or disclosure is in reason necessary to:

  • Comply with a legal procedure.
  • Comply with this agreement.
  • Protect the rights, property/assets or personal safety of the Newspaper Matters Foundation, its related companies/entities, its users and the public in general.
  • Respond to complaints about violations of third parties’ rights.
  • Meet the service requirements of the user.

Newspaper Matters reserves the right to provide the authorities with information to conduct research on any user that at our sole discretion and according to our professional judgment breaks the rules of conduct related to the following explicitly prohibited content:

    • Content that harasses or promotes harassment of another person.
    • Content with personal data, including the picture or video of another person, that a user has posted without the consent of the person concerned.
    • Content that shows or promotes behaviors or attitudes of ill-treatment to persons, animals or incite it.
    • Shows or promotes false or misleading information, or promotes illegal activities or conduct that is abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory or slanderous.
    • Content that is illegal or promotes illegal or unauthorized copies of protected third parties contents.
    • Content that contains restricted pages or with access only with a password, or hidden pages or images.
    • Content that contains pornography, violence, offensive topics or links to websites with adult content.
    • Shows or promotes sexual or labour exploitation of persons.
    • Encourages or promotes any criminal activities or enterprise, or provides information with instructions on illegal activities, including, among others, making or buying illegal weapons, organization of terrorist acts or altering public order, the violation of the privacy of third parties or the creation and distribution of computer viruses.
    • Promotes propaganda and/or symbols of organizations which are unconstitutional or illegal in the country from which access to the platform is performed.
    • Content that represents or creates information that is a clear risk to the privacy or safety of any person.
    • Content that is clearly offensive and promotes racism, intolerance or hatred against a group, minority or person, or that causes them either physical or psychological damage.
    • Content that requests passwords or personal information of other users for commercial or unlawful purposes (phishing).
    • Requests for information from any person under age (the grown-up age  according to the applicable laws of each country).
    • Violates the rights of industrial and intellectual property, right of honour, privacy and of image, commercial rights, contract rights or any other right of any person or entity.

    Activities expressly prohibited on Newspaper Matters:
    Newspaper Matters reserves the right to bring to the attention of the authorities, denounce and proceed with the investigation of any user who violates this provision, and initiate legal actions against him. Specifically prohibited activities include the following explanatory, non-exhaustive list:

    • Illegal or criminal activities on Civic Platforms as child pornography, the organization, communication or coordination of terrorist acts, corruption of minors, fraud, trafficking in obscene material, coordination platforms to facilitating the traffic of drugs or people, games of chance and betting, pyramidal commercial structures, harassment, espionage, "spamming" or sending harmful mails, sending viruses or other harmful files, "phishing", violation of rights of intellectual or industrial property, of rights of honour, privacy and image, or the theft of commercial or industrial secrets.
    • Impersonate or attempt to impersonate another user as a  Reader, Newspaper or Third Party.
    In general terms, the use of the Newspaper Matters platform contrary to the laws and customs applicable.

    Your rights as user of Newspaper Matters:
    Only if you comply with the obligations assumed by virtue of this agreement, you may enjoy the limited, revocable, non-exclusive, not subject to transfer or sublicense right to access from an available conventional network browser the information and services of the platform Newspaper Matters.

    You agree to use this platform and your information in accordance with the stated in this agreement. These are your only rights as user of Newspaper Matters, both implicit and explicit.
    We deliver content at your own risk of loss. We are not responsible for the failure of communication or contact, which include, among others, your own failure to receive important information about the service.
    We provide you with information and important notifications  regarding the service of Newspaper Matters through e-mail or by other means, including present or future devices when needed according to our criteria.

    Civic Platforms
    Newspaper Matters offers the possibility of creating civic platforms around the analysis of information published by newspapers which has been carried out by the user Reader. Here, users can add their comments and generate discussion and community participation  on specific topics as well as manage acceptance or otherwise of new users to their civic platform.
    Newspaper Matters does not guarantee that members will not use ideas and information that is shared on these civic platforms. Therefore, if you want an idea or information to be confidential and/or not to be used by third parties, you should not publish it on civic platforms. Doing so will be at your own risk. Newspaper Matters is not responsible for misuse or misappropriation of the content or information published on its civic platforms.
    Interaction with other users of the Newspaper Matters platform is your sole responsibility. Newspaper Matters reserves the right, without obligation, to monitor disputes between its members, to respond to monitoring requests made by the responsible persons of every civic platform in the case of conflicts or abuse and to terminate user accounts if Newspaper Matters considers it appropriate and prudent, without prior notice, to ensure the proper functioning of the civic platform.
    Newspaper matters includes links to third-party web sites from the button share It! If you choose to leave the Matters Newspaper services and access other sites, you do so under your own responsibility, and in full knowledge that these services are not governed by these Terms of Use.
    Our recommendation is that you always review the terms and policies, including the privacy policy and practices for the collection of data from the site that you are going to access from the Newspaper Matters site.

    What you shouldn’t do at Newspaper Matters:
    • Access or attempt to access Newspaper Matters by means other than the interface provided by the web application Newspaper Matters and conventional network browsers.
    • Adapt, modify or create, partially or complete, developments based on technology used by Newspaper Matters or based on the contents of other users.
    • State, implicitly or explicitly, that you are related to Newspaper Matters as a partner, sponsor or patron, except in the case that an agreement in writing to that effect has been signed with Newspaper Matters.
    • Alter the brand or otherwise transfer or commercially exploit the Newspaper Matters brand (excluding your own content).
    • Upload any graphical content (of another person) other than a clear and clearly identifiable own photograph of yourself in your user profile.
    • Delete the notices of copyright, trademark or other intellectual or industrial property rights appearing on Newspaper Matters, including those of Newspaper Matters and any of its partners, sponsors or patrons.
    • Delete, hide, or otherwise block any form of advertising appearing on Newspaper Matters.
    • Ignore or try to ignore or evade any security component included or underlying the platform Newspaper Matters.
    • Try to interfere with or alter the services of the Newspaper Matters platform in any possible way.
    • Simulate the appearance or functionality of the platform Newspaper Matters using techniques of mirroring or framing or by any other similar means.
    • Upload material that is too heavy for our infrastructure.
    • Create a false identity or impersonate an identity on Newspaper Matters
    • Use or attempt to use the account of other users without authorization
    • Use software (robots) or other means or use manual or automated procedures of the type agent for accessing the web pages of the site.
    • Use reverse engineering or any other technique to obtain the source code, in total or in part, of the platform Newspaper Matters
    • Violate or improperly use our brand, logos and/or trademarks related to the Newspaper Matters platform.

    Newspaper Matters: Our rights and obligations 
    Newspaper Matters provides the technology platform to access information and services "as is". Newspaper Matters does not expressly give guarantees regarding the information or continuity of the service Newspaper Matters.
    Newspaper Matters does not warrant that the services provided work uninterrupted or without errors in its operation. We reserve the right to momentarily interrupt, at any time and at our sole discretion, the service for maintenance, updates or technical improvements that are necessary.
    Newspaper Matters disclaims all liability for damages caused by any interruptions or operating errors as cited in the former paragraph.
    Newspaper Matters disclaims all liability for any malfunction, inability of access by the user or poor conditions of use of the site due to the use of computers that are not appropriate, to disruption of the Internet service provider, to saturation of the network service Internet and for any other normal reason or of circumstances beyond our control.
    Newspaper Matters reserves the right to take legal action against those who fail to comply with the terms stipulated in this contract.

    Ending your agreement with Newspaper Matters
    You may terminate this agreement with or without cause, at the time you want, without prior notice to Newspaper Matters; although you can do so if desired. The termination of his contract enters into force at the time that you decide, from your user profile, by closing your account clicking on the button Close your account and when the request is processed properly by Newspaper Matters systems.

    Once this agreement is terminated, you cannot access the services of Newspaper Matters and the personal information of your profile will be deleted. The contents of articles’ analysis and evidence which, because of their interrelationship with other participating  parties on the platform, will remain published in the system.
    Newspaper Matters reserves the unilateral right to terminate this agreement with or without (prior) cause, at any time, with or without notice, and such termination shall enter into force immediately or at the moment that is specified in a notification to the user.
    To send us messages you can do so by e-mail to legal[at]



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