Today is September 12th, 2024
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Welcome to Newspaper Matters!

The house rules set out below should be read by all parties (readers, newspapers and third parties) who wish to participate in the platform Newspaper Matters. Thanks for your time.

Newspaper Matters is a social platform for freedom of speech, based on respect, good manners and good faith. Tolerance, ethics and legality of the actions of all parties involved are the essential foundations of the community of Newspaper Matters. Use our platform only to do good.

• Newspaper Matters will do everything in its power from a technical and legal point of view, but we can not guarantee total genuineness, accuracy or reliability of all the communication posted on the analyzed newspaper articles (analysis, evidence and civic platforms). Therefore we must all accept the rules of the game for this to work and be really useful.

• As an author you have full legal responsibility for what you publish on NM (analysis, evidence and content in civic platforms) in relation to content published in newspapers and regarding any third parties mentioned. Therefore, identification is vital to participate in Newspaper Matters. Publishing is fascinating, especially when it's free and when it is of interest to the community in its relation to the media. But it is also a great exercise in responsibility. Think about the possible effects before publishing anything.

• In Newspaper Matters we are committed to the privacy and anonymity of sources. And you are our best source of information to analyze, compare, challenge and enrich the content of newspapers. Be aware that as a ‘publishing’ reader, you have the option to use a pseudonym if you want to maintain some privacy regarding your analysis and your sharing of evidence, but your internal identification (after registration) is vital to maintaining the transparency of the platform and for the compliance with legal requirements in all countries where Newspaper Matters operates.

• As a responsible author you will understand that Newspaper Matters can access your information stored in the system, including the contents of your public communications, if required so for the fulfilment of legal procedures which might be necessary only if the platform is used in a fraudulent way. NEVER for other reasons.

• It is strictly prohibited to impersonate or attempt to impersonate another user, person or entity on the platform Newspaper Matters. This means using the account, username or password of another user at any time or disclosing your password to any third party, or allowing others to access your account.

• If there is any abuse or misuse of the platform, Newspaper Matters reserves the right to remove the user account and/or refuses to accept, publish or transmit any content, based on the clauses of the Terms of Use of Newspaper Matters.


• As for text, links, documents, photographs, video, audio (content) published on Newspaper Matters you should know beforehand that it is not allowed to publish certain types of content (you can imagine what kind) and which is covered in detail in the Terms of Use of Newspaper Matters.

• All content provided by readers, newspapers and third parties are reviewed before publication by our team whose sole mission is to ensure compliance with the law in terms of intellectual property and proper use of the platform for the common good in the sense of respect, tolerance, and ethical behaviour.

• We thank you in advance for your collaboration to make Newspaper Matters the platform where Old Media and New media coexist to strengthen the citizen role in “real” participatory media.

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